
Let My Spirit Soar

My thoughts fly up like birds it the sky.
I am free. I can fly.
I go everywhere. I see everything.
Towering mountain ranges
and a tiny flower growing in the desert.
I see cities and highways and a fallen tree
I see a grandmother telling a story to a child.
I sit quietly
But my thoughts fly up like the birds in the sky.
Only I know where they go.
When you sit quietly,where do your thoughts go?
What do you see?"
- Bev Doolittle

Bev Doolittle 的畫作涵蓋了無限寬廣的遐想及些許彷彿宗教般的神秘。她善於將人體或人型隱於大自然當中,而藉著這些隱匿的呈現,Bev Doolittle 表達了她各種角度的人文關懷。

在她的畫作裡,我們可以看出她極其細緻的寫真功力。但在這些繁複的影像中,我們卻被帶到一種極其寧靜單純的情境裡 。

Bev Doolittle 的畫作,大多是戶外的寫生。為了獵取一些動物和岩石或大自然的景色,她經常跋山涉水。為期動輒數月。


這是Bev Doolittle 的成名作,名為The music of wind.從畫中彷彿聽到從遠山飄來的笛音,彷彿在述說一個傳奇,一段故事。是的,看Bev的畫,像在看故事書,因為在她畫,都像在說一段故事一樣地引人入勝(請注意看畫面中吹笛的手是來自隱匿在樹林後的人)。

這是我個人很喜歡的一張畫。名為:When the Wind had Wings,好美的名字哦。 奔騰的萬馬幻化成展翅而飛的飛鳥,有著莊周夢蝶的恍惚,亦有離世脫塵的灑脫. Bev在這畫下,寫道:
" A broken song beneath the now, the echo of a soaring joy, a shape in the mist, a touch in the rain, in the wilderness you come again...you tell us what we used to know... you speak for all the free wild things whose ways were ours when the wind had wings.” -- Bev Doolittle


Indian pony

Bev Doolittle 個人網站:http://www.bnr-art.com/doolitt/

flower 寫於 2003.10.29


  1. 我不記得以前有看過花花發表這篇,完全是新印象。


  2. 2003.2004年左右,大概是新建na3時期?當時因為有好幾個版,大多每個版發篇文,所以創作量相形於今,驚人得多。



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